Parameter is not valid.
at Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfConverter.MergeImages(List1 inputImagesStreams, ImageFormat outputImageFormat, ImageMergeMode mergeMode, Nullable
1 horizontal, Nullable1 vertical) at CrossProduct.FileDocument.FileDocumentImaging.Append(IEnumerable
1 anotherDocuments, Int32 mergerType) in C:\mergersource\CrossProduct\FileDocument\FileDocumentImaging.cs:line 358
at fileformat_merger.Controllers.api.MergerController.Merge(Int32 mergerType) in C:\mergersource\apps\FileFormat.Merger\Controllers\api\MergerController.cs:line 110 (274 KB)
I am not able to reproduce error. Please find attached, output files both vertically and horizontally merged output file.
007(1).jpg (282.8 KB)
007.jpg (280.8 KB)
Please use this link Merge JPG files into single file | 100% free Online JPG to JPG merger.
If you still face issue, please share steps to reproduce this error.